10 Contoh Soal Beserta Kunci Jawaban PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil Kurikulum Merdeka

- 28 September 2022, 07:40 WIB
Ilustrasi latihan soal PTS Bahasa Inggris.
Ilustrasi latihan soal PTS Bahasa Inggris. /pixabay.com/BiljaST

My daddy is a talented person. He is good at singing jazz songs. He can play piano and guitar. He can perform some traditional dances. Besides, he can write beautiful poems.

In spite of those things, my daddy is a good father. He takes care of his family well. He often goes to bed late because of finishing his work. On the other hand, he always gets up earlier than the other family members to prepare everything needed by his children.

Why did the writer say that his father is a good figure in his family?

a. He is important.
b. He is a healthy person.
c. He is good at singing jazz songs.
d. He takes care of his family well.

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Jawaban dapat diketahui dengan terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi pertanyaan, dengan cara mencocokkannya dengan kalimat-kalimat yang ada di bacaan. Di sini, kalimat yang paling mirip/merepresentasi pertanyaan ada di paragraph 3 kalimat pertama. Untuk memutuskan jawaban yang tepat, perlu diidentifikasi informasi yang berada di sekitar kalimat yang merepresentasi pertanyaan di bacaan. Dan ternyata, informasi yang paling sesuai adalah jawaban d karena selain berada dekat dengan kalimat yang merepresentasi pertanyaan, secara makna juga memungkinkan (merawat keluaga dengan baik).

5. Which one is true about Mr. Setiyadi?

a. He looks younger than his family.

b. He is a talented person.

c. He is an important person for his father.


Editor: Ririn Handayani


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