Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Halaman 161 162 tentang Passive Voice  

- 11 Mei 2022, 16:36 WIB
Ilustrasi kunci jawaban.
Ilustrasi kunci jawaban. /Green Chameleon/Unsplash


SEPUTARLAMPUNG.COM – Simak soal dan pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTS yang bersumber dari Buku Tematik Kemendikbud revisi 2017.

Pembahasan soal dan kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini diharapkan bisa menjadi bahan evaluasi dan referensi serta memudahkan adik-adik dalam belajar.

Pada halaman 161 162 di buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTS siswa diminta untuk mencari kalimat-kalimat pasif yang menunjukkan:

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1. The objects identities (identitas objek)

2. The materials that make the objects (bahan-bahan untuk membuat objek)

3. The function of the objects (fungsi objek)

4. Happen/happened to the objects (yang terjadi dengan objek)

Pembahasan dalam artikel ini diulas oleh Aulia Rachma Dinantika, S.Pd. Alumnus Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Lampung.

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Berikut ini kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP Halaman 161 162:

To state the objects identities

Title of text: Rocks

- They are called ores.

- These crystal are called gems.

- Some rocks, such as sandstone, are made when mud or grains of sand are slowly squashed together.

TItle of text: Fabric

- Fabrics are used around the house to make clothes, curtains, towels, and furniture coverings.

- Fabrics such as cotton, linen, wool and silk are made from natural fibres.

- Fabrics can also be made of plastic.

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Title of text: chickens

- Chickens are kept as farm animals all over the world.

- They are related to wild birds that were tamed by humans.

- They will also peck grain that is sprinkled on the ground.

- Hens are fed on special food.

- Female chickens are called hens.

- Hens are kept for both their meat and their eggs.

Title of text: Cows and bulls

- Female cattles are called cows.

- The male cattles are called bulls.

- Female cattles that are reared for their milk are called dairy cows.

- They are used to pulls ploghs and carts.

To state the materials that make the objects

1. Fabrics can also be made of plastic, or a mixture of plastic and natural fibers.

Title of Text: Fabrics

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To state the functions of the objects

1. Fabrics are used around the house to make clothes, curtains, towels, and furniture coverings.

Title of Text: Fabrics

2. In many parts of the world, they are used to pull plows and carts.

Title of Text: Cows and Bulls

To state what happen/happened to the objects

1.Some rocks, such as sandstone, are made when mud or grains of sand are slowly squashed together.

Title of Text: Rocks

2.Chickens are kept as farm animals all over the world.

Title of Text: Chickens

3.They will also peck grain that is sprinkled on the ground.

Title of Text: Chickens

4.Hens are kept for both their meat and their eggs.

Title of Text: Chickens

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5.They are kept on farms all over the world for their meat, called beef, and for their milk.

Title of Text: Cows and Bulls

6.Female cattle that are reared for their milk are called dairy cows.

Title of Text: Cows and Bulls

7.Twice a day they are brought in from the fields to be milked.

Title of Text: Cows and Bulls

*) Disclaimer:

1. Pembahasan di atas hanya sebagai referensi belajar.

2. Soal di atas merupakan pertanyaan terbuka. Artinya ada beberapa jawaban tidak terpaku di atas.

3. Artikel ini tidak mutlak menjamin kebenaran jawaban. Siswa dapat mengembangkan jawaban yang lebih baik.***


Editor: Ririn Handayani

Sumber: Buku Kemdikbud


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