20 Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD MI Semester 1 TA 2021, Pilihan Ganda, Esai, dan Kunci Jawaban

6 Desember 2021, 12:45 WIB
Ilustrasi soal psikotes SKB CPNS 2021 mengenai /Pixabay/Firmbee

SEPUTARLAMPUNG.COM – Berikut ini adalah 20 contoh latihan soal pilihan ganda dan esai PAS UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD MI semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2021, yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya.

Materi bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari di kelas 3 SD MI semester 1 adalah mengenai kosakata (vocabulary) benda-benda di rumah, nama ruangan di rumah, aktivitas sehari-hari, jenis-jenis pekerjaan, dan lainnya.

Sementara, grammar yang diajarkan adalah Present Tense dan Present Continous Tense.

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Berikut kisi-kisi soal PAS UAS bahasa Inggris SD MI yang bisa dipelajari:

I. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, c, or d.

1. Diana : Hello, Artorious. Where are you going?

Artorious : … , Diana. I am going to school.

a. Bye

b. See you

c. I am fine

d. Hi

Answer: D

2. Frieda : … , Lazarus. I must go to library now.

Lazarus : Okay, bye. Take care.

a. See you later

b. Nice to meet you

c. Good morning

d. Hello

Answer: A

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3. My name is Rio. I … a student in elementary school.

a. Is

b. Are

c. Am

d. Were

Answer: C

4. I have a sister. She … Vira.

a. Am

b. Is

c. Are

d. Was

Answer: B

5. Mr. Jay : What is your name?

Amira : … name is Amira.

a. Your

b. Her

c. My

d. His

Answer: C

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6. Henni : Is it a pencil?

Kaiden : …

a. Yes, pencil is.

b. Yes, it is.

c. No, it is.

d. No, is not.

Answer: B

7. Grezy : Is it a bag?

Ilona : …

a. Yes, bag is.

b. Yes, is it.

c. No, it is.

d. No, it is not.

Answer: D

8. We … students in elementary school.

a. Are

b. Were

c. Is

d. Was

Answer: A

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9. He … my brother. His name is Jayden.

a. Am

b. Are

c. Is

d. Was

Answer: C

10. I have two best friends. They … Mary and Alan.

a. Were

b. Are

c. Am

d. Was

Answer: B

Soal Esai

Complete the sentences with the correct tense!

11. We … (go) to school every morning.

Answer: go

12. She … (walk) to my house now.

Answer: is walking

13. Rina … (watch) TV every afternoon.

Answer: watches

14. My brother … (play) a guitar in his room.

Answer: is playing

15. My friends … (read) books in library.

Answer: read

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Uraian dan Kunci Jawaban PAS Kelas 4 SD Tema 2 Selalu Berhemat Energi Semester Ganjil

Soal Esai

Translate the sentences!

16. Seekor kucing bisa berjalan dan berlari.

Answer: A cat can walk and run

17. Seekor zebra memiliki belang hitam putih.

Answer: a zebra has black and white stripes

Answer the questions!

18. What is the color of the sky?

Answer: blue

19. What is the color of milk?

Answer: white

20. What is the color of grass?

Answer: green

Demikianlah 20 contoh latihan soal pilihan ganda dan esai PAS UAS bahasa inggris kelas 3 SD MI semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2021. Semoga bermanfaat.***

*Disclaimer: Soal latihan ini hanyalah prediksi PAS UAS, yang dibuat sebagai bahan belajar dan latihan bagi siswa agar lebih mudah memahami soal yang akan diujikan dan cara penyelesaiannya.

Editor: Desy Listhiana Anggraini

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


